Engage with Grace: Personal Planner

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Paperwork Planner
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Signing up is very quick, requiring only your email address.
One or more other people have authorized you to view their pages.
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You can learn more about these from your health care providers and from online resources such as the guide from Caring Connections
1. My Living Will These are written instructions for end-of-life care, in case I am ever unable to speak for myself. This can be done at doyourproxy.org.
I have written a Living Will
Send me a monthly reminder until I have completed this.
Notes, including where to find the legal document:
2. My Health Care Agent This person will make health care decisions for me if I am ever unable to understand them or communicate. This is also known as a healthcare power of attorney. This legal document can be done at doyourproxy.org.
I have appointed a Health Care Agent
Send me a monthly reminder until I have completed this.
Notes, including who this person is and where to find the legal document:
People I Have Authorized
To allow family or friends to access the information on this page, enter them here.

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This tool is for demonstration purposes only

Feel free to make an account and otherwise use this tool. But please be aware that this is not yet a supported project so we can make no guarantees. At this point, please think of this tool as a proof of concept.