Heart Defense

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Set your goals for health behaviors, and track your progress.

Select any date in the past, to view or modify your personal record for that day.

Use these guidelines to set your own goal for each health behavior.


Guideline: exercise for 30 minutes, at least 4 times/week
Sources: Center for Disease Control and Prevention; Mayo Clinic; American Heart Association


Guideline for men: less than 14 drinks/week
Guideline for women: less than 7 drinks/week
Sources: Mayo Clinic


Guideline: no smoking (or chewing tobacco) at all
Sources: Center for Disease Control and Prevention; Mayo Clinic; American Heart Association


Guideline: no salty meals
Total sodium should be less than 1,500 - 2,300 mg per day.
Sources: Mayo Clinic; American Heart Association


Guideline: no high-fat meals
Avoid trans fat, limit saturated fat as much as possible.

Explanation from Mayo Clinic:
Saturated fat and trans fat are the main dietary culprits in raising your blood cholesterol and increasing your risk of coronary artery disease. DASH [diet, see link below] helps keep your daily saturated fat to less than 10 percent of your total calories by limiting use of meat, butter, cheese, whole milk, cream and eggs in your diet, along with foods made from lard, solid shortenings, and palm and coconut oils.

Avoid trans fat, commonly found in such processed foods as crackers, baked goods and fried items.
Sources: Mayo Clinic

Further Reading

Make a custom report of your personal record, and then (if you want) share it with care providers, friends, or family.

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You can click around in this tool, but it does not actually save any data. It is for demonstration purposes.